Photos of London

see copyright notice. Page created 22-Dec-2019. Use the button groups above to navigate quickly around the site.

Bridges & skylines

There are still a few instantly recognisable features on London's skyline, such as the Victoria and Elizabeth Towers at Westminster (photo 1) and St Paul's Cathedral (photo 2). The Millennium footbridge and the Shard provided interesting additions to the scene (photos 2-4), but I really think a halt should be called to the clutter of oddly-shaped new buildings (photo 5).

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London Eye

This tourist attraction can be seen from a great distance along both banks of the Thames, and lends itself to playful photography!

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London's older buildings are decorated with some astonishing statues and mouldings. The first photo shows the Roman goddess Ceres, gesturing from atop Alexandra Palace. Next up are two of the many saints who adorn St Paul's Cathedral (St Simon and St Matthias, I believe). Closer to the ground is a panel on the base of the Monument, whose allegorical figures represent the suffering of the City in the Great Fire, and its prospects for recovery. Finally, Old Billingsgate Fish Market is surmounted by a most appropriate weathervane!

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Parks & Open Spaces

The first 6 were taken in south-east London during 2001. A low-angle January sun cast some nice shadows in Southwark Park and Camberwell Green (panoramic). Later in the year, the topiary work and rose garden featured at Hall Place (near Bexley), while "Mallard and Rhododendra" and "A Tense Moment" were glimpsed near Abbey Wood. Fast forward to October 2018 for the final photo, in Regents Park.

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