Zoo restaurant menu

see copyright notice. Page created 12-Nov-2000. Use the button groups above to navigate quickly around the site.

The Restaurant at London Zoo proved to be an excellent choice for a Departmental Christmas Lunch in 1982. I wonder to this day how many subsequent visitors saw the menu we bequeathed to the display cabinet on our departure...


Rolled stoats

Horse d'hooves

Cockatoo cocktail
Marsupial of the day
Omelette aux fines herbivores
Scrambled elks on stoat
Salmon à la poisoning
Sloth broth


Prawn brawn
Poached roach
Baked hake
Grilled brill (with brill cream)
Steamed bream
Tuna fish (AM only*)
Angel fish Delight with Bream Topping
Man-of-war Portuguaise
Cod and chimps


Snail, whale and quail tails in stale pale ale
Bear ribs with puffin stuffin'
Lancashire Hoopoe
'Roo stew with gnu potatoes
Kiwi con carne with mongoose chutney
Chi Chi chops avec AnAnAss (when in season)
Spicy bison with rice, sliced mice and diced lice
Big Yak (1200 lbs uncooked wt.)


Selection of glazed parrots, steamed sparrow,
collie (with storks) and mussel-snouts as available


Meringue Utang with Gorilla Filla
Crème Camel
Leach Melba
Bear Helène
Wallaby Whip with Tiger Topping
Mag pie and Bustard
Gorilla ice cream with frosted apes
Moose mousse
Mouse mousse (child's portion)


Giraffe of red wine
Monkey nuts
Otter surprise

Bear us in mind for your Christmas Party
...we panda to all your requirements...

All prices include Rhino Charge, BAT, and notalotofocelot

*needs external LF Ant

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